In Focus

10 Years of Effort

10 Years of Effort

It is with joy, meditation, gratitude and eyes turned to the future that I present this revue to you. Indeed, on January 12, 2010 an earthquake of 7.3 magnitude on the Richter scale struck the country and left just over 250,000 dead. The disaster was immense. The national palace, the cathedral of Port-au-Prince, the various ministries of the state, and innumerable hotels, schools, churches, and homes collapsed. The Salesian works were not spared. Schools, youth centers, whole structures fell, and worst of all we lost three confreres, including the first Salesian Coadjutor, who was 83 years old.

It is with all these feelings of sadness that we commemorate this dark and disastrous event ten years later. Despite the magnitude of this disaster, the Salesians of Haiti did not stay on the ground. This is why at the level of the Rinaldi Foundation we have chosen to commemorate this date through the publication of some of our achievements in this anthology.