In Focus

Construction at Lakou

Construction Nearly Finished on Workshops at Lakou

Masonry work being completed
Masonry work being completed

In September construction is finishing up at the new workshops at Lakou in Port-au-Prince! Made possible through a partnership between the Rinaldi Foundation and Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo (VIS), this new stage of development strengthens Lakou's ability to form youth for years to come.

Lakou is a welcome center for young people who are living in the milieu of the street.  Following the example of Don Bosco's original works at Valdocco, Italy, the center provides for short-term needs, such a food, while also looking to prepare youth for the future.

Construction on the new workshops
Construction on the new workshops

One of the most significant ways that Lakou does this is through vocational training.  The center gives youth the opportunity to learn electricity, plumbing, cosmetology, tailoring, carpentry, and soldering.  Such trades provide youth with positive alternatives to crime, gangs, prostitution, and other social ills.

While construction is nearly completed, there is still much work to be accomplished. In the coming months the new workshops will be furnished with equipment and supplies to allow the center to continue to fulfill its mission.


  View more photos of the construction at Lakou